- 2002 M.Sc. (Social Science and Educational Studies) University of Roskilde.
- 2009 PhD, University of Roskilde.
- 2024- Professor (MSO) at The Danish Center for Social Science Research (VIVE).
- 2015-2023 Senior Researcher at The Danish Center for Social Science Research (VIVE).
- 2013-2015 Assistant professor, Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen.
- 2011-2013 Postdoctoral scholar, Department of Sociology, University of Copenhagen.
- 2021- Project leader: Mapping parents’ educational values.
- 2017- Project leader: Educational expectations of disadvantaged young people.
- 2016- Project leader: Home learning environments in Danish families.
- 2015-18 Project leader: The Danish Longitudinal Survey of Children.
- 2013-16 Country leader: Education for Tomorrow (w. four participating Nordic countries).
- 2021 Independant Research Fund Denmark: Research project 2022-2027. Lead applicant (6.2 million DKK).
- 2018 NORFACE grant (New Opportunities for Research Funding Agency Co-operation in Europe): Research project (2018-2022). Co-application with five participating countries (2 million Euros).
- 2018 Danish Council for Independent Research – Humanities. Research project (2018-2021) Applicant: Professor Lars Ulriksen, University of Copenhagen (4.7 million DKK).
- 2017 Lauritzen-foundation grant: Research project (2017-2029). 4.6 million DKK.
- 2016 A.P. Møller-foundation grant: Research project (2016-2024). 6.4 million DKK.
- 2013 NordForsk grant: Research project (2013-2016). Co-applicant: Professor Mikael Börjesson, Uppsala University (7 million DKK).
- 2009 Postdoc-scholarship grant: The Danish Council for Independent Research – Social Sciences (2009-2013). Sole applicant (1.8 million DKK).
- 2009 The Strategic Research Council grant: Research project (2009-2011). Co-applicant: Professor Martin D. Munk, Aalborg University (1.2 million DKK).
- 2021-2027: VALUES: Mapping parents’ educational values. Project funded by the Independent Research Fund Denmark.
- 2019-2022: PERSIST: Persistent Passion for Professional Education. Project funded by the Norwegian Research Council.
- 2018-2021: Inequality, early adult life courses and economic outcomes at mid-life in comparative context (EQUALLIVES). Project funded by NORFACE.
- 2018-2020: Beyond the bachelor degree – choices and transitions. A study of dilemmas, cultures and patterns in university students’ trajectories. Project funded by The Danish Council for Independent Research.
- 2017-2026: Educational expectations of disadvantaged young people. Funded by the Lauritzen-foundation.
- 2016-2024: Home learning environments in Danish families. Project funded by the A.P. Møller-foundation.
- 2015-2016: The Danish longitudinal survey of children (DALSC) – wave six. Project leader for the sixth wave of the Danish Longitudinal Survey of Children (DALSC), funded by the Ministry of Social Affairs.
- 2013-2017: Nordic fields of higher education. Structures and transformations of organisation and recruitment. NordForsk-funded research project.
- 2009-2013: Access to Danish higher education 1980-2010. Post-doctoral scholarship funded by the Danish Council for Independent Research – Social Sciences.
- 2009-2011: Widening participation in higher education programmes. Research project funded by The Danish Council for Strategic Research.
Peer reviewer for academic journals including Social Forces, European Sociological Review, Sociology of Education, Social Science Research, Research in Social Stratification and Mobility, British Journal of Sociology, and Acta Sociologica.